Samsung F7100 graininess


Apr 6, 2012
Hey guys, I just picked up a Samsung 55" F7100 smart TV from Best Buy, calibrated it with information from the web and I have to say I'm not impressed with the picture at all. Some pictures look really good others look really grainy especially dark scenes. The dark scenes just look terrible.

Is this just a bad model? I thought I researched this model but I must have missed it. Is there a breaking in period or something I'm missing?

I was thinking of taking it back and getting the Sony W900a, what do you guys think?
That's going to depend on your cable provider and what channel you were actually watching (not to mention if it actually was HD).

I'm a Comcast Subscriber, and I do get FX HD. I actually scrolled past Thor a time or two last night, I actually get the FX channel three times, the SD version (lower two-digit channel number) and a couple "HD" channels (one in the 200s, the other in the 800s). Now normally, the HD channels do actually get HD content, but not always. You have to make sure that the little "HD" symbol is in the program guide for that movie/program.

So either you were mistakenly watching the FX channel in the SD range or the content you were watching was not being broadcast in HD. Other than that, I've got nothing (sorry).

-Wolf sends


Apr 6, 2012
Np man thanks for the input. Some of the it look really good but then it would switch scenes and get really grainy