Am I the only one who is completely baffled by the choices Samsung made in it's 2025 QLED series?
If the QN80F and QN90F are both featuring the Art Store and the anti-glare screens, then what is the purpose of the Frame Pro? I can't see why anyone would buy it with it's edge-lit display over these two FALD models. I bought a 2021 Frame model exclusively for the art feature, but would have opted for a QN80 over it in a heartbeat if the art store were available.
Also, why continue to offer the original Frame model along side the Frame Pro? From what I've read, the QN70F will use a mini-led, edge lit panel just like the Frame Pro. The Frame in past iterations has always shared the same panel as the QN70 series, so this isn't surprising. I just question the logic of keeping both versions of Frame TV, unless they're planning to offer the old tech (non-mini LED) version at a discount. Knowing Samsung, the more likely scenario is that they make the Frame Pro even more expensive.