People whining about privacy and "if ya ain't got nothin to hide; lmfao! SERFS/Plebs/Naves; however you take your oppression. If you want someone watching you, filming you, scrutinizing your every move; then great, move your asses to N. Korea or China, but know this; REAL, TRUE patriots (look that up if ya don't know the definition) want AMERICA back to the way it ought to be—FREE!
Little by little your rights are being purposely eroded away and all the while you continue to claim, "well sh!t, boy... I ain't doin nothin wrong, so what I got to worry bout?" Listen rednecks on keyboards; you have little to no relevant knowledge about WHY the constitution was formed, thus your speech and diatribes are muddling and moot... MOVE somewhere else if you want to live in an oppressed society, where the RICH can buy their way through, around and under laws that the rest of *us* (serfs) have to abide by.
Some of you just don't get it at all... FREEDOM and the FREE pursuit towards it, should be unbridled and unregulated. Freedom is pure and beneficial for all. The only people that fear freedom are the oppressors who PROFIT from the supposedly wonderful 9-5 (more like 50hrs/wk) working system: The system that continues to make THEM rich and keep you all fighting amongst yourselves. My friends from around the world laugh and scoff at working 40hrs/8hrs per day. Their nation, lifestyle and over all society ranks HIGHER than the much beloved but often overrated "greatest nation in the world." BS, the USA is a wonderful place for the well-heeled and the able. Most of you live no better than any other 1st and 2nd world nation(s). Study some history before you make a mockery of yourselves, while spewing sophomoric ideals programmed into you by your masters on the television you watch for hours and hours a day... Zombified and conned into buying frivolous junk just to impress your peers and neighbors Vs reading books, talking to your neighbors, exercising your DUTY to defend the constitution and the freedoms it affords us all...
Just watch, naves, soon you'll be bellowing about "wtf wtf, why's the military on the street. What's up with these check points and folks illegally searching me? blah blah" You won’t be laughing and snickering when you hear that your Mommy or Daddy’s surgery request was DENIED b/c under new legislation; “old” folks are expendable and not worth investing the time and money into to keeping them functioning healthily… Laugh it up kids, this will be your future haha!