Sorry, ment to say projector. Will sound come over the projector? My thought is to hook the sat tuner to the projector and project onto a portable screen. Would this work?
Assuming the projector can accept the audio from HDMI, yes.
On the sat tuner there are Coax sat cable, hdmi, esata, computer, video/audio. Haven't bought the tuner yet, don't know much about them hence the question.
Sorry, ment to say projector. Will sound come over the projector? My thought is to hook the sat tuner to the projector and project onto a portable screen. Would this work?
Sorry, ment to say projector. Will sound come over the projector? My thought is to hook the sat tuner to the projector and project onto a portable screen. Would this work?
Assuming the projector can accept the audio from HDMI, yes.