block scam # app


Aug 20, 2016
so we had a magic jack land line for 15 years and they were said to help block out the scam calls but for the last 10 years we had to use an answering machine connected to help screen calls because magic jack just did not ever get that working and our phone only allowed 50 numbers in the blocked list. so we stopped magic jack and now use our cell phones. with magic jack i got most of the scam calls like 50 a day, now with the cell phones the wife is starting to get maybe 20 per day. so far i'm lucky i have not seen them, but i would like to find a good phone scammer app to help screen them all out. we have our banks and dr. and friends and family numbers in our contact list now but she still get calls the do not tell her it is a scam.

so is there a good app that we can install the will just plain block scam calls? i see above that google has something for doing that but i read the thread and it seems i do not see anyway to install that feature.