Sean, what is your problem?

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I normally don't post to these forums (unless it's to offer
technical assistance), but after reading some 30 odd (and I DO
mean ODD) posts/replies from Sean, I had to say smething.

Sean, while I respect that everyone has different opinions and
perspectives on any given topic, I am at a total loss to respect
any of yours. Reason being is that in nearly all of your posts

1) Rant and proclaim yourself a self-appointed subject matter
expert on whatever the current thread is, oft-times with more
than a modicum of pretzel-logic for the foundation of your

2) Insult anyone that you believe to be your intellectual
inferior. Ironically, I do not believe there to be an inferior
to you.

3) Often chime in with some totally diametrically opposed
posture, just for the sake of getting a reply. I realize that
by posting this, I am most likely going to feed your minute
self-esteem, but, what the hell, I pay for my access to the
Internet and it IS America (at least until G.W. repeals the 1st

My perception of you is that you REALLY get off on insulting
people and filibustering on whatever you claim to know (Jack of
all trades, Master of none). I truly pity you if this is what
your life has evolved into. You are hollow inside and you
should seek counseling.

You will undoubtedly snap back with some sort of reply, that in
your Sean-iocentric universe will make you feel much better
about your shortcomings. Feel free. I know my self worth and
as long as I'm not you, I can't imagine possibly feeling
depressed or belittled.

Peace out Simon.

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* Binary Usenet Leeching Made Easy
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"Lev" <> wrote in message
>I normally don't post to these forums (unless it's to offer
> technical assistance), but after reading some 30 odd (and I DO
> mean ODD) posts/replies from Sean, I had to say smething.

You know he's just trolling, right?
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In article <MoEhe.10311$D91.5851@fed1read01>, "eric" <>

> "Lev" <> wrote in message
> >I normally don't post to these forums (unless it's to offer
> > technical assistance), but after reading some 30 odd (and I DO
> > mean ODD) posts/replies from Sean, I had to say smething.
> >
> You know he's just trolling, right?

Sean's mommie won't let him buy a TiVo.
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On Sun, 15 May 2005 02:42:19 -0500, (Lev) wrote:

>I normally don't post to these forums (unless it's to offer
>technical assistance), but after reading some 30 odd (and I DO
>mean ODD) posts/replies from Sean, I had to say smething.

Sean's one of two things:

A) a troll

B) a shill for the cable industry

In either case, his postings have reduced him to laughingstock. Even
if he should happen to have a valid point on something, no one will
listen to his "advice" anymore.
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Yeah, it's fairly obvious he hasn't much to occupy his time.

On a more humorous note, Robot Chicken (a show on Adult Swim) ran a
bit recently where some worthless pile of DNA, voiced by Ass-ton
Kutcher (perhaps only slightly LESS annoying that Sean) became
totally adick-ted to his TIVO until he died watching it. THIS is
how I envision Sean's pathetic lifestyle.

Posted with NewsLeecher v2.1 Final
* Binary Usenet Leeching Made Easy
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On Mon, 16 May 2005, Lev wrote:

> On a more humorous note, Robot Chicken (a show on Adult Swim) ran a
> bit recently where some worthless pile of DNA, voiced by Ass-ton
> Kutcher (perhaps only slightly LESS annoying that Sean) became
> totally adick-ted to his TIVO until he died watching it. THIS is
> how I envision Sean's pathetic lifestyle.

Ooh! Do you know which episode it was? I caught the 1st one (?) and
grabbed a season pass, but have been too busy to watch the others. I hope
I haven't deleted it.

Adult Swim rules!
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