Since the Supreme Court has made it legal for companies to spend unlimited funds to buy an election, in return they have made tax loop holes available to avoid paying taxes for all wealthy Americans and companies alike. The Congress and the Senate could easily end the Tax Loop Holes, which are primarily for the wealthy tax cheaters, but only talk about how it would be a form of a tax raise. The wealthy only pay for what they want to pay because they have the power to elect whoever they want in office to make sure they pay less than what is expected. Since insider stock trading is legal for senators and congressmen alike, they showed a very cooperative partnership with Wall Street during every financial crisis because they want special treatment too. Who can get elected in the federal branch without the money to put attacking ads on TV to sway voter opinion or to show that they exist? 20/20 showed years ago that 1% of the wealthiest Americans sue the IRS every year and that the IRS settles for 7% of what they really owe the Federal Government. Only the diminishing middle class must make up for the lost revenue from these tax loop holes and all those foreign workers that are making the products we buy and taking the jobs away at the same time. They don’t even count many of the abuses in our system as part of the trillion dollar per year tax loop hole figure.