F fuzimonkey Distinguished Jun 21, 2011 1 0 18,510 Jun 22, 2011 #1 Hello, How do I get all the components of my stereo connected ? I need a diagram of which wires go where.
Hello, How do I get all the components of my stereo connected ? I need a diagram of which wires go where.
S sap chicken Distinguished Apr 1, 2011 25 0 18,580 Jun 22, 2011 #2 google the sterio maby? what kind of sterio is it, tuner alone or tunet amplifire are there other things like tape deks and cd players? Upvote 0 Downvote
google the sterio maby? what kind of sterio is it, tuner alone or tunet amplifire are there other things like tape deks and cd players?