should i get it? (Alienware m14)


Aug 12, 2013
Im all over the shop searching for a system to game on i was going to custom build a tower but i want the mobility
i can pick up a alienware m14 for $1700, specs
i7 4700mq
GTX 765m 2gb ddr5
16 ram
750gbs 7,200rpm + 64gbs ssd
full hd etc...
i looked these up and they go for around 1800-2099 for my specs
and i would probably be able to talk it down too $1,600
would this system be able to run games such as
arma 2 ultra
arma 3 high
bf4 medium
rome tw 2 high
any comment or advice welcome cheers guys :)

and also what is the difference with i7 4700hq and the mq???

That will show you were the 765m sits as far as performance goes. It should handle BF3 just fine on medium, probably on high even, so I would suspect that BF4 on medium or high will not be an issue. I cannot comment on ARMA 3 though since I haven't played it yet.

As for the HQ/MQ suffix, the HQ chips have the beefy GT3e IGP on them, whereas the MQ chips simply have the GT2 IGP.



That will show you were the 765m sits as far as performance goes. It should handle BF3 just fine on medium, probably on high even, so I would suspect that BF4 on medium or high will not be an issue. I cannot comment on ARMA 3 though since I haven't played it yet.

As for the HQ/MQ suffix, the HQ chips have the beefy GT3e IGP on them, whereas the MQ chips simply have the GT2 IGP.


May 6, 2011
if you could buy a pc then that would be cheap and more powerful, since you want mobility then you are on the right track, you can also try
btw it can run all these games easily, but i cannot say anything about bf4 since its system requirements are not out
imo it will require atlest gtx 500 series and radeon 6000 series