Smartphone without data plan

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Nov 4, 2010
I'm wondering it it's possible to get a smartphone without having to pay for a data plan. I have Samsung Galaxy S (with Android 2.2) that I purchased outright, so there is no legal reason for me to have a data plan. On top of the texting and phoning plan, wifi gives me more than enough connectivity. So I called my carrier (I'm in Canada - my carrier is Sasktel) thinking that I could half my monthly fees. Apparently, I am unable to remove the data. They said something about the system not working without data. Apparently, some phones need to have a data plan for them to work on the network. Does this sound at all reasonable to anyone?

I think of 2 things here. My phone has the capacity to turn off data. I still can text and phone but no "data" is exchanged. If it's possible on my phone, then why isn't it possible from their end? Secondly, I would imagine that if I took an active sim card from another phone (perhaps a non-smartphone) it would still work, though I haven't tested that.

Any thoughts on this issue? I feel I'm getting a run around from the person on the phone.

Thanks everyone,
Does not sound reasonable to me.

The data is transmitted on a different network than voice. Right now that should be either a 3G or 4G network. There are times when I get no 3G data signal, yet I can still make phone calls. Your carrier is pull a fast one on you to get you to pay more per month.

Not sure about a sim card, none of my phones ever had one.
smartphones regulary connect to the 3g/4g networks. sure you can disable this manually but are you sure that this affects every single app or system process?

i'm not aware of a single carrier that lets you use a smartphone without a data package on a 2 year plan. if you dont use it you could always go down to a lower gb/mo plan or perhaps a prepaid type plan might give you the option to pay per gb. if they don't have the option maybe switching carriers might help you get a better rate.

"no legal reason for me to have a data plan."
its their company, their rules. if you don't like it i suggest you move on. yes i agree it is unfair but they do have every right to do it.


i understand your dilema but unless you're willing to go to such measures as i mentioned above i'm not sure you can get around it. i have the absolute minimum text/voice/data plan here in the USA and its at least US$ 80 after discounts! per month.

Actually you can, or at least you could have in the past (unless the carrier changed the terms of service). My brother has a smartphone and (a Treo I believe), he only has a voice plan for it. But he bought the phone at full price. I think he has been using Sprint for the past 6 or so years.
I think your carrier is trying to keep you from cancelling that very profitable data plan you have with them. I do not think there is anything that requires a data plan to function on your phone except the ability to do internet related things outside of wifi. I've had an iPhone since '08 using T-Mobile and I have never had a data plan, everything works fine - only thing is if I'm outside of a wifi area I can't access my mail or internet. Data plans are basically internet through your phone service provider so you can get non-stop internet service in or outside of wifi zones.

Not sure how that factors with other phones, but I cannot imagine them being that terribly different. Almost all phones have wifi now so that's basically the only thing you need to use internet based activites on the phone. I don't think I can have contacts forwarded to me on my phone which I know those with a data plan can - but this has been an issue only once in all the years I've had the phone.
It might be a bit different here because I believe there is no 2G coverage. This carrier (Sasktel) went from a CDMA system directly to a 3G/3G+ GSM system. So, no 3G means no coverage. Would that be the reason?

At any rate, I have yet to find someone who will tell me it's possible, someone that works for the carrier, that is.
it does sound reasonable that the phone doesnt "require" any sort of data connection but it is the ultimate decision of the phone company to determine whether or not a data connection is mandatory. if they say you need one then either you need to get one or start looking for another provider or try one of the other suggestions like pay-as-you-go. quite a few providers are forcing it upon smartphone users nowdays so changing providers might not help.

you need to hash this one out with the phone company. i doubt they will cut you any sort of "special deal" but perhaps they do have an option available that you could make use of.
Here is what I do. I use a "Clear Spot" provided by with unlimited 4G data for only $50.00 a month with no contract. It has a 6 hour rechargeable battery and it small enough to fit in my shirt pocket. I connect my HTC Inspire to it via the WIFI connection and with Skype installed on it, I can make and receive phone calls. For Skype,I pay aprox $2.50 a month for to make outbound calls to any cell or land line phone, and $60 for one year, I get a phone number that people can call me at. The fun part, I can connect my PC to the Clear Spot and watch movies, play games and more for all an unlimited data plan. The only down side is that you have to have Clear in your area, which they have coverage in all major cities across the USA.
Buggaby, I'd sell the phone, and buy the Samsung Galaxy Player 3.6, 4, 4.2 or 5 in. which are about 20 bucks cheaper than the corresponding phones, and use skype from wifi hotspots to call and take messages as cretsinger was suggesting. Sales personal are trained never to lose a client. :fou:

I have a lgp925g 3d smart phone which I got from Rogers about 2 months ago.I paid an admin fee of $35 on a 3 year contract because my phone was eligible for an upgrade.I have no data plan in my contract.I can use wifi any time on the phone-email-text-video-camera-it's great.I still use my existing cell phone-which is not a smart phone.I let my son use the Lg as an ipod-it's fantastic.

Why do you pay skype when Google voice is free? Google also gives you a # people can call.
I personally have an HTC Desire Z with no data plan. I'm in Canada as well, with Telus.

It is entirely possible, and it sounds like your carrier is trying to dupe you into giving them more money.

Call 611 for customer service and threaten to have your phone unlocked and moved to a national carrier. I'm willing to bet they'll let you drop the data plan. If they don't, you can check out this link here on how to get your phone unlocked.
all you need to do is click off the the Mobile Data then the phone should pick up only your WiFi
To make calls with out using the Phone compney you can use Magic Jack For free and there is an app for your phone for them that is Free
BUT people can not call you with the number that will show in there phone.

I Looking into Google voice that has calling and texting and Voice mail But i have to find a way to make it work on my phone. It works on the computer grate.
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