Nothing to say against SSD performance but the exaggerated yearly time savings just don't take into account a little thing called reality. For example, how does Joe office worker get thru his day ?
1.a Arrives at desk, hits PC on button and times how long it takes to boot into Windoze ?
1.b Arrives at desk, hits PC on button grabs coffee cup and heads over to coffee machine ?
2.a Needing to edit a Word proc document, opens word processor and stares at screen waiting for program to load ?
2.2 Needing to edit a Word proc document, opens word processor and while program loads, scans over the boss's red pencil marks edits to get a handle on what he's gotta correct ?
SSD technology is great and increased adoption will continue to drive down costs but these ROI arguments about increased productivity are not reflective of how humans (not robots) work.