Sony Damaged Sony Vaio LCD Screen

Lokesh Subramanian

Nov 21, 2014
My Sony Vaio LCD Screen is damaged and its displaying blurred images. I have a image of the LCD display and like to attach it so that you will have a better idea of the problem of my laptop
If you have warranty taki it back to the shop. If you want it fixed take it to the shop and ask them for a offer to fix it. If you can fix it yourself, find the screen type and buy one, you might find one on ebay or through sony. If it's a cheaper/older laptop, it might not be worth fixing.

edit: If you a have monitor laying around you can hook it up to the laptop and use it as a desktop computer.


Feb 22, 2013
If you have warranty taki it back to the shop. If you want it fixed take it to the shop and ask them for a offer to fix it. If you can fix it yourself, find the screen type and buy one, you might find one on ebay or through sony. If it's a cheaper/older laptop, it might not be worth fixing.

edit: If you a have monitor laying around you can hook it up to the laptop and use it as a desktop computer.