Sony has made it nearly impossible to buy PS3 games online

Jan 29, 2022
It was a mistake on Sony's part making the PS3 architecture different from all the others. If PS3 games were backwards compatible with the PS4 and PS5, neither us or Sony would be having this problem. If they do some kind of service that allows us access to everything, from PS1 all the way to PS5, as well as PSP and Vita, that would be a subscription worth paying for. But as of right now, it's emulation for me.
Jan 29, 2022
A couple points:
  1. You can easily replace your 80GB hard drive with a 1TB 2.5" hard drive that you can buy for less than $50
  2. Yes the PS3's WiFi sucks but it does still have gigabit ethernet. If you can't run a cable, use powerline or a wireless bridge

Sam Bridges

Jan 30, 2022
I feel your pain. I wanted to buy Ratchet and Clank trilogy on Vita. On the Vita the store wasn’t accepting my password. I known issue that sometimes arises, I read online. My only option was to buy it on the PS3. Because physical is too expensive nowadays. It was a real struggle. I had to discover how to click add to cart because the button is now invisible. I had to add funds with my credit card, because adding with PayPal wasn’t working. I had to remove my credit card from the store because PS3 wanted to authenticate it, but couldn’t. Mind you the funds were already topped up at this point.
Then yeah, I had to delete stuff too. My 250GB SSD was almost full. I avoid WiFi if I can on everything (I’m a network engineer, professional habit), so at least I didn’t have to deal with that.
Anyways, I ended up buying the Trilogy for Vita, plus All4one, plus A Crack in Time for less than just the physical copy of the Trilogy. So, in the end it was still worth it.
Jan 31, 2022
You kidding me with these complaints? Hour long process? I bought stuff for my vita and ps3. I go to the respective store, before I hit buy I see the total, then use my phone to add the funds to my account via the site (approx 45 seconds) and then buy. Done.

What a clickbait nonstory lol
Feb 9, 2022
Wait you mean you deleted EVERY digital game in your library?? I hope you weren't planning on playing all of them again. Sony actually removed the ability to download some digital games from the PS3 store. They only way people have been able to play some (but not all) of the digital games is by keeping the copies from when the store was still active. Some of them cannot be re-download once deleted now. Unless you own the physical copy.
Feb 9, 2022
It was a mistake on Sony's part making the PS3 architecture different from all the others. If PS3 games were backwards compatible with the PS4 and PS5, neither us or Sony would be having this problem. If they do some kind of service that allows us access to everything, from PS1 all the way to PS5, as well as PSP and Vita, that would be a subscription worth paying for. But as of right now, it's emulation for me.
How could they have made the PS3 architecture the same as the PS4 and PS5? The PS3 came first, flaws and all. Sony updated the architecture on the PS4 and PS5, which are both a huge improvement. I love the PS3 and want cross compatibility as much as the next guy. However the PS3's architecture is outdated for a reason. The hardware just isn't there to bring it on par with the new architecture. Right now the PS Now subscription is Sony's solution, and it is far from perfect itself. However it does offer PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP and Vita games, though notably not a huge selection. It also requires you to have constant internet connection, and the bandwidth to stream the games.
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Feb 17, 2022
I feel your pain. I wanted to buy Ratchet and Clank trilogy on Vita. On the Vita the store wasn’t accepting my password. I known issue that sometimes arises, I read online. My only option was to buy it on the PS3. Because physical is too expensive nowadays. It was a real struggle. I had to discover how to click add to cart because the button is now invisible. I had to add funds with my credit card, because adding with PayPal wasn’t working. I had to remove my credit card from the store because PS3 wanted to authenticate it, but couldn’t. Mind you the funds were already topped up at this point.
Then yeah, I had to delete stuff too. My 250GB SSD was almost full. I avoid WiFi if I can on everything (I’m a network engineer, professional habit), so at least I didn’t have to deal with that.
Anyways, I ended up buying the Trilogy for Vita, plus All4one, plus A Crack in Time for less than just the physical copy of the Trilogy. So, in the end it was still worth it.

Hey Sam, since you're an engineer, I thought I'd ask. So I've recently relocated overseas and whenever I try to login to my PS network account from my PS3 console, it gives me an error message saying the password/username is incorrect. It has happened when I've traveled before, and I simply change my password and that does the trick. This time around, it didn't go through and I'm unable access my account from the console to buy a game. Any way to get around this?

Sam Bridges

Jan 30, 2022
Hey Sam, since you're an engineer, I thought I'd ask. So I've recently relocated overseas and whenever I try to login to my PS network account from my PS3 console, it gives me an error message saying the password/username is incorrect. It has happened when I've traveled before, and I simply change my password and that does the trick. This time around, it didn't go through and I'm unable access my account from the console to buy a game. Any way to get around this?

I tried to login with my US account on my PS3 after I read your message. I live in Italy and my main is an Italian one. For 30 minutes all accounts were giving me error 80710016. The Italian one, my daughter's, my US account, my wife's (German). All of them weren't working.

I went to test the connection in settings after a while and it suddenly started working again... I honestly don't know what's up with that. If I find out anything useful I'll let you know.
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Feb 17, 2022
I tried to login with my US account on my PS3 after I read your message. I live in Italy and my main is an Italian one. For 30 minutes all accounts were giving me error 80710016. The Italian one, my daughter's, my US account, my wife's (German). All of them weren't working.

I went to test the connect in settings after a while and it suddenly started working again... I honestly don't know what's up with that. If I find out anything useful I'll let you know.

That's odd. Mine's still not working, so who knows if it's on Sony's end or what. I'll keep trying here in Portugal for the time being. Let me know if you figure it out. Thanks!

Sam Bridges

Jan 30, 2022
That's odd. Mine's still not working, so who knows if it's on Sony's end or what. I'll keep trying here in Portugal for the time being. Let me know if you figure it out. Thanks!

The error number is a connection error of some sort. It’s just odd that it was working before I logged in with the US account and then just suddenly stopped. But maybe just a coincidence. Also while not working on PS3 it was working fine on Vita and PS5.

Anyway, just a thought. If you have 2-factor authentication. Did you try generating a new device password?
Feb 17, 2022
The error number is a connection error of some sort. It’s just odd that it was working before I logged in with the US account and then just suddenly stopped. But maybe just a coincidence. Also while not working on PS3 it was working fine on Vita and PS5.

Anyway, just a thought. If you have 2-step authentication. Did you try generating a new device password?

Right, wonder if they're changing things with the PS3
Yeah, I reset the password a couple of times, as that usually fixed the problem in the past, but it didn't work this time around...

Edit: tried the two-factor authentication w/the device password, but still getting the same error. I think it has to do with the geographical area. I'll try in another country shortly and see if that works.
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May 18, 2022
Marshall, your article just saved me. I was just beginning to go down the rabbit hole because I kept getting errors opening the PS Store, then I read that snippet about Day Lights Savings time and AMEN. Had I not see that, I would have spent god knows how long.
May 24, 2022
Literally all of this was user error. It should not take an hour to buy things from the PS3 store. The PS3 store IS slow and clunky. That's true. But 80 GB in 2022? Seriously? 21 year old me installed a 500GB drive in mine way back in 2011. And you didn't have your console set to automatically update the time? And you're really going to nitpick about the remaining dollars when many companies do this, and you can still use those same funds on other consoles? And you didn't check your storage space before going to the door which leads me back to the first point as in, why in the world do you still have an 80 GB drive in 2022?!