Sony Makes the PlayStation 3 Slim Official, $299

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yes im most interrested in PSN games so this price cut is gonna help for sure, also less heat = less noise so this is definatly an upgrade.


About time they dropped the price. I can honestly tell you while the new price is attractive for once. I will still wait until the PS3 has games worth buying. At the moment the only games on the system that I would buy are ratchet and clank and maybe the Drakes Fortune (forget the name of the series).

Sony has really let me down with RPG's this generation. Thankfully Micrsoft surprised the hell out of me. I will buy a PS3 sooner or later though for Versus XIII if they don't decide to make that 360 as well.
Yes, because that was the number one complaint for the PS3, "It's too damn thick!". I'll definetly get one now that it fits on my shelf.
So how are they going to price the non-slim PS3? What I've read says it will be $299.99. How in the world are they going to clear stock trying to sell it at the same price as the slim? Maybe $250? Only thing I care about is now I'll be able to get one even cheaper off of craigslist.
Previously I was among the most adamant in bashing the PS3 for it costing too much, but at this price I will be rethinking that stance. At $300, it is competitive just as a networked bluray player! Add in the gaming capability and I think this is a good deal.

Being a Final Fantasy fan, I am glad that I can reasonably get a PS3 (which is not coming out for PC, and its looking grim for a future port) for the upcoming FF13. Killzone 2 and MGS4 are also games I would like to play...

However, I will be waiting several months to make sure there are no hardware bugs. As good as a deal I think this is, I do not trust Sony.
Pretty cool since the original PS3 is a boat. $299 though, that still costs almost 2x as much as an xbox arcade but comes with a hard drive hmm..and with microsoft tax on hard drives I guess maybe it's about the same. Hopefully this will cause microsoft to lower prices on their drives. All their drives are a piece of plastic surrounding a sata 2.5" hard drive, nothing special. I still prefer xbox360 over ps3, I doubt I'll buy one at $299..maybe of it was $199.
Hmm, anyone ever see people linking these things together to compute on-the-fly ray tracing? Pretty neat. Maybe they can utilize the smaller size and price and hook more up. Look it up on youtube.
lol why am i getting thumbs down ... it clearly says

"It's slimmer and cheaper, but no more PS2 compatible."

thats why that guy is dumb.. for not being able to read the subtitle of the article.. geeez.
[citation][nom]thepetey[/nom]lol why am i getting thumbs down ... it clearly says "It's slimmer and cheaper, but no more PS2 compatible."thats why that guy is dumb.. for not being able to read the subtitle of the article.. geeez.[/citation]

Because instead of being an ass and acknowledging that he might have missed that part of the article, you could have helped him out. You just called him a dumbass and we gave you thumbs down.
Probably got -3 because you called someone dumb. I'm just guessing though... Might want to try to answer the guy's question instead of calling him dumb I guess. I think there was some article talking about backward compatability a month or two ago to come back but I'm not sure. I wouldn't count on it. I wonder if the ps3 upscales ps2 games good enough. They sure look like garbage on my HDTV. Dreamcast looks fine though but it runs at 480p or something native. Plugged into vga.
[citation][nom]gamerk316[/nom]Any word on backward compatability?[/citation]
Slim is not backward compatable... Ill keep my original one. 🙁
I really don't like the design, but it's not about the design right? Saving money on energy is a plus and some of the users can now fit their PS3 in their entertainment system. I don't have that problem plus I don't play mine enough to save energy. But I'm glad that Sony finally surprised everyone with this price cut. That should get a lot of people off of their backs now.
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