[citation][nom]slickyfats[/nom]The update was welcome. I like the added features including PS Plus. The Star rating system, someone should have thought of that before(on consoles).And Wow. Did any of you people complaining even use LInux....no I didn't think so. And as for PS2 support, who plays PS2 games anymore. You griping to be griping.[/citation]
I agree this is a welcome update and the PSN plus can be good in the long run.
Since I never thought about running Linux on my PS3 80G, so lossing it is not my concern.
Regarding to the PS2 backward support... I do have that on my PS3 but I have to admit that the last time I played PS2 game on my PS3 is about a year ago and I currently do not have any interest to play any of my PS2 games. However, since SONY are pushing those old PSone game back to PS3, PS2 support should still have quite a big market there. I guess I will not see the light of PS2 support untill SONY stops selling new PS2.
back to PSN plus... I did give it a try. So far... it is ok.. I have not found much interests in this months' free/discounted stuffs. I will give it couple more months and I will know more about my feeling of the PSN plus.