Question SSD drive dying

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Sep 2, 2024
Just over a year ago, I bought a new gaming laptop, an ASUS TUF and added an extra 2TByte (edited!) SSD (SNV2S). Just lately, I've had issues with applications crashing and misbehaving. I ran the system checks ASUS installed - but nothing showed up. Ran a memory test, again nothing. Tried doing a chkdsk on C: - works fine.

Tried doing a chkdsk on D: (the extra SSD I added) - it took 12 hours and didn't finish. I removed the drive and put it in a caddy to try backing it up - it ran so slowly accessing small files, I gave up trying. Contacted Kingston support as it's one of theirs and seeing what they have to say.

Kingston's own diagnostic software revealed nothing - the drive was 100% good. Same with Crystal Disk Info.

The symptoms are reading suddenly becomes VERY slow - intermittently. It's doing it in the caddy as well as the original system.

Up until recently I've had no problems with this drive.
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I put it in a caddy on another machine, showed same issues. Just put it into another machine, again, running slowly and machine acting weird.
trying to get a backup off a device that's running slowly is going to be a slow process!

UPDATE: backup seems to be working. Occaisonal slow down but getting data off it ok. You can see it pausing on some files then it carries on.

On the original system I kept seeing this in the event log:

Warning 18/09/2024 07:21:46 stornvme 129 None
Reset to device, \Device\RaidPort0, was issued.

Not seeing it on my old laptop where the drive is now - which is far easier to get devices in/out due to a neat design of the case - the newer laptop has 15 screws to undo, the old one has... one screw!

Tried the Kingston software - it can see the drive but logs errors trying to read SMART data. Shows the firmware as out of date by one version. CrystalDiskInfo can read SMART data from it, shows the drive as 100% OK.
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Kingston sent a replacement and I've installed it. Now's the tedious bit of reinstalling everything. The important stuff came back first - luckily the old drive worked well enough to do a backup. I've created a robocopy script to back it up on a regular basis.
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Reactions: rgd1101
Kingston solid state drives are very easy to break. I bought several SSDs before. After using them for a year, the file transfer speed was very slow, and the system crashed occasionally, causing the hard drive to be unrecognizable. Generally, in this case, it is recommended to transfer data and replace the hard drive.
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