Star Wars Outlaws is my biggest gaming surprise of the year — the under fire franchise needed this

Thank you for the balanced and fair review; it's disheartening to see how the game is being received and it doesn't deserve it.
Thank you for the balanced and fair review; it's disheartening to see how the game is being received and it doesn't deserve it.
I was initially hyped about the game. Even bought the platinum version, or whatever the version above gold is..played it three days early, LOST SIX HOURS due to the update. All of that didn't sour my initial excitement for the game. Unfortunately the more I played it the more I lost interest due to the repetitive nature of every quest, "Combat", etc. I'm referring too this: find quest, stealth, stealth, a bit of combat, stealth, stealth. This game has more stealth in it than most games that are "stealth" games, I.E. metal Gear. I guess I'm just not about a whole game relying on so much stealth to play it. Ive deleted it & all my game data and won't touch it again. Lesson learned.
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The ps5 bug was definitely unfortunate. I'm lucky to be on xbox and didn't experience that.

Outlaws plays a lot like Uncharted and Tomb Raider, with some Assassin's Creed Odyssey/Valhalla in there too, all of which rely heavily on stealth gameplay.

That said, once you get past those first few missions then stealth becomes more of an option than a requirement.
Thank you for the balanced and fair review; it's disheartening to see how the game is being received and it doesn't deserve it.
Balanced and fair reviews usually involve discussing some aspect of the gameplay that doesn't suck before you praise the game lmao.

This review is fine, and the reviewer is allowed to feel however they want, but it's effectively "actually playing the game is bad but I like Star wars so"

That's the opposite of balanced and fair, and it's unfortunate you have to project that onto people who are ACTUALLY being balanced and fair and pointing out that a game where the main systems of interacting with it (gun combat or stealth) are both bad, objectively, the game is itself...bad. Its not unbiased to call a bad game ok, it's fake neutrality.

Outlaws absolutely deserves the bad reception, the stealth feels legitimately unfinished (2002 stealth games had body moving figured out) and the gun combat is gears of war 1 level which is again...over a decade old. Completely tired and uninteresting. The devs even basically act like the game is unfinished, they keep promising "more content" - but they sold the game already for $120!

People aren't wrong to point out it's a mediocre to bad product especially given the immense development time and investment, and they aren't biased just because they aren't saying "eh it's okay" or "yay it's great" like you want them to.
Outlaws is the best Star Wars game since the legendary Knights of the Old Republic, and it’s rekindled my love for a franchise that’s been with me all my life.

Star Wars Outlaws is my biggest gaming surprise of the year — the under fire franchise needed this : Read more
This just makes me sad for all the actually finished, actually fun star wars games you haven't played.

Kotor 2? Battlefront 2? Force unleashed? Republic Commando? Hell any and all of the Lego Star wars games actually have finished and arguably more compelling combat and stealth than outlaws XD