Steam downloads at 5kbps?

Arcane Tensai

May 6, 2015
I've been having this weird problem with steam since two days. Dota2 has been getting a few new updates and steam downloads them at 5-10kbps. Same with an update for 'loadout'. I have a 4Mbps connection and my normal downloads and browsing seem to have no problem at all. I've tried changing regions but had no improvement. Any help would be appreciated, thankyou.


Aug 26, 2012
Not sure if this is definitely the cause, but I was waiting for a couple of updates to drop for a game I play, yesterday (Friday) and the day before. One of the devs for the game Tweeted out that Steams servers were experiencing issues and Steam was giving the devs an ETA for uploading the small 300MB patch of, 187 "Days"! lol.
It eventually took around 14 hours to upload it I believe, the DL was also slow as hell too.

Also myself and a group I game with were having major issues with Steam last night, slow DL times and Steam being completely offline or just not working.