Steve Ballmer Clarifies Rumors of New Xbox

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They may not release a New XBOX in 2010, but they are working on the next XBOX just like any other company. I wouldn't be surprised if we see something more concrete in 2012.
It would be really nice if the next gaming system that comes out has dual/multiple video output so you could have multiple player separate displays or play a racing sim with multiple monitors to add to the experience.
"It would be really nice if the next gaming system that comes out has dual/multiple video output so you could have multiple player separate displays or play a racing sim with multiple monitors to add to the experience."

That's more of a PC thing. I don't think enough people own multiple HD TVs to make that worth the cost to add it.
[citation][nom]AndrewMD[/nom]They may not release a New XBOX in 2010, but they are working on the next XBOX just like any other company. I wouldn't be surprised if we see something more concrete in 2012. It would be really nice if the next gaming system that comes out has dual/multiple video output so you could have multiple player separate displays or play a racing sim with multiple monitors to add to the experience.[/citation]
[citation][nom]KawiNinjaZX[/nom]"That's more of a PC thing. I don't think enough people own multiple HD TVs to make that worth the cost to add it.[/citation]
Just as an FYI, Sony was about to do that with the PS3 (dual HDMI output) for that very reason but didn't due to cost and a projected minority using the feature.

Most multi-player setups are done online as it is fairly infrequent to find an individual that has 2 TVs close enough to share the same component inputs.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not telling you it wouldn't be nice, I'm just saying don't get your hopes too high. The market has shown that building very sophisticated hardware isn't a sure sell.
“we’re are not even halfway through the current console generation lifecycle and believe Xbox 360 will be the entertainment center in the home for long into the next decade.”

Wait a minute, is this the quote that has been turned into Microsoft saying the XBox 360 will be around for another 10 years? That is NOT what this quote is saying. The next decade begins in 2010 (or 2011 if you're a stickler), that doesn't mean Microsoft will be sticking with the XBox 360 till 2019. Yikes, without direct quotes like this, you never know what people are saying.
This remembers me of the PSX days where you could have everything in double except only ONE link cable to play multiplayer games... We never did it, cause nobody was that rich
"...the entertainment center in the home..."

Sure, if they would pickup at least add support for 5.1 AAC and possibly MKV... the 360 is severely lacking in the multimedia department.
There are more sophisticated titles like Forza 2 that allow you to use multiple monitors, it requires multiple consoles though. What I still don't know is what the heck "really, really, close to actuality" means. Are they really thinking they are going to jump the uncanny valley and bring a game experience that tries to simulate live-action? (for explanations of "uncanny valley" and "live-action", see wikipedia). Of course, if they really do wait until 2015 to release it they may have a chance at it.
[citation][nom]fulle[/nom]^you should have responded to Andrew, not Kaw... since Kaw agrees with you. And so do I.[/citation]

The lack of a "Edit" button leaves me no choice though...would be a very much appreciated feature for the forums Tom's.
[citation][nom]joebob2000[/nom]...What I still don't know is what the heck "really, really, close to actuality" means. Are they really thinking they are going to jump the uncanny valley and bring a game experience that tries to simulate live-action? (for explanations of "uncanny valley" and "live-action", see wikipedia). Of course, if they really do wait until 2015 to release it they may have a chance at it.[/citation]
I think he was referring to how tangible the new offering is. As in, its really close to being a real product and not just an R&D project. It was addressed to an audience full of executives who would be interested in timeline details (vs what the gameplay would be like)
I wonder if companies designing games will drop the 360 like a hot potato after the new Xbox comes out. They did that with the original Xbox, and IIRC the moment the 360 launched, there were NO new games being made for the original Xbox, and shortly after that you couldn't get ANY games for the Xbox unless you bought them used at ebgames or such places. At least you can still get previous and new releases for the PS2. When it comes to consoles, Microsoft completely neglects the older child when the new baby arrives.
And why shouldn't they Arglebargle? Makes prefect sense to me for them to do it that way. Its the way it has always been done, be it Nintendo or Sega. Maybe the PS3 wouldn't be sucking so bad in sales if it didn't have to compete with the PS2. And imagine if they did that right at the beginning. It would still be backwards compatible too I bet. No need to take it out to cut costs.
2010 or some years later would be guite optimal time to make some "faselift" because DX11 will be out for PC world and making DX11 "compatible" Xbox does make sense. Maybe not in 2010 because dx11 will be so new and hardware most propable expensiwe, but quite soon after that DX11 capable hardware is mature enough to speed up new console. That 2012 as mentioned above would make guite good timing economically depending an what Sony will do with it's next generation console. I am guite sure that MS is willing to release the next upgrade before Sony...
Developers didn't cut support for the PS2 because Sony hasn't and it did sell over 100 million units. lancelot123 the Ps3 isn't sucking in sales, third place in consoles yes but is selling over 100,000 units a month sucking. It's now in its third year and it sold over around 20 million at the end of its second year which was 2 million more than the xbox 360 at the end of its second year and on top of all that it sold that in this economy.
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