Question t-mo 5g internet question


Aug 20, 2016
we had a house fire and had frontier. we put that on vac mode for now however we will be relocation to an apartment soon and they have xfinity. i had xfinity before frontier and it was just to costly that is why i went to frontier. but they do not have frontier at this complex yet so being i just do not want to go thru xfinity teaser rates again does anyone happen to know if t-mo has any newer internet boxes? a few years ago i tested the black t-mo 5g and it was a bit unstable, it had varying speed all day long and i could deal with that but it did not let my security cameras get thru the box. now that i do not have cameras to worry about i'm wondering if t-mo has updated there 5g? i was at the t-mo store yesterday and i seen a new one in white and it looked more like a comcast modem, than the small black box i tested a few years ago. thanks
you want Verizon home UW 5g

I have used tmobile hotspot. IME the screen indicates connection but the clients have no internets [sic]. I have had ZERO problems with the verizon product especially after turning the device into a modem for my own router/ap/
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