temporary p/w

Feb 26, 2019
I am having issues with my login.
I sent off to get a temporary p/w. I was putting the temporary password in, but the letters would not appear. The numbers showed up fine, as normal
I them tried it on my desktop with a new temp. p/w. Same issue the numbers show up, but no letters.
The lapptop is windows 10 in chrome, the desktop is win 7 with chrome.
I tried reinstalling chrome, but same thing. Any ideas?


Feb 4, 2019
I would try clearing cookies and cache. You can either clear all sites OR if you dig into settings, you can clear just the cookies and cache for the website that you use.

Cookies and Cache follow your Google account, so if you're signed in then that can be the cause.

You could also try logging in using an incognito window or private browsing. That wouldn't carry over any of that Cached data. It should at least eliminate some factors.
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