News The 5 best laptops of CES 2025 (so far)

I don't understand how lenovo doesn't get this like if you keep making very particular laptops that are extremely different from one another, but have definite use cases and definitely an audience who would want them and would be willing to even pay the amount that they cost

If you don't have an obvious way to get repairs done, and you don't make an enormous effort to reassure people who would potentially buy them that you will deal with their repairs and not make that an extremely painful process, then people aren't going to buy them.

It feels like they keep switching the designs so drastically, because they're like looking for something people will buy, and they take the lack of purchases as lack of interest in that form factor and that's just not what's happening.It's just that you look at it, you go, that's really cool.But if anything goes wrong, there's no recourse to me.I have no guarantee whatsoever that i'm going to be able to get it fixed