Thanks for your feedback. I did mention in the article that it's UK only. I also mentioned further down that US version wouldn't be seeing Jeeves because there wasn't the same demand for his return as there was in the UK.
Just in case you manage to miss them if/when you read the article again, here are the paragraphs where I mention it is a UK specific change and will not be replicated on the US site. I'll also include the last line, in which I detailed how US users wishing to see the old Jeeves can do so.
Thanks again for reading!
Jeeves is back! The friendly old Butler has returned to the UK version of Ask.com’s search engine.
So will he be making his way stateside next? Don’t count on it. According to SearchEngineLand, citing Cesar Mascaraque, managing director of Ask Jeeves Europe, that results from polls run in the UK displayed a strong desire for the return of Jeeves. However, the same desire was not found in the U.S., although Ask.com did admit they did not run similar polls in the United States.
That said, you can bring Jeeves back in the U.S. by typing in askjeeves.com into your browser.