News The world's best 4K Blu-ray player sells for over $1,000 online — here's why

Well... the best apart from the 205 which is better, or the Magnetar players which are essentially upgraded players in the spirit of Oppo and are available new.
If I was buying now I would get a Magnetar because of the more modern DACs for audio use. They also look lovely.
Having said that I still have an old Oppo BD 83 in my audio system which I use as a transport for SACD, DVD Audio and Blu-ray audio.
Yep... Right manufacturer but wrong model. The best Blu-ray player out (still) is the 205 because the analog audio is far superior to the 203--and as a very convenient USB end it takes advantage of its great Sabre Pro DAC implementation. I don't know why people keep saying the 203 is king--maybe because I used 205 is like a billion dollars now?

Both players also have something that's *never* been duplicated and I desperately need...HDMI IN. With an all analog system consisting of superior components, that's the only way I can get a digital component in the chain. With no one figuring out how to do this (Even Magnetar's beefy entry), I have to hold on to my 205. The problem is the 2017 implantation is starting to have some compatibility problems.

Maybe someone eventually will add this valuable feature... Here's hoping.