I have this toshiba p100-st9612 that used to be my main lappy until the LCD started to go out. I tried many things but finally gave up and bough the gateway fx 7805u, couldn't be happier... Well i would like to still use the toshiba but it only worked on external monitor. I wish it was this simple... Here it is where its gets more complicated. I used the hard drive from toshiba for a while on my gateway as the secondary HD, so I erased the OS from there. I backed up a ghost copy of it, of course. Unfortunately I accidentally erased that copy so now I have this big problem. I have: a laptop with broken screen that works on external monitor only, HD with no OS, toshiba recovery CD but bios not set to boot from cd, windows 7 CD, and no ideas how to install it. How could I get around that to be finally able to send video to external? Any help would be appreciated. I do not want buy a new LCD just use my external one, and also have no access to an LCD I could use to get things working.