Turtle Beach XO Seven vs. Astro A40 xbox one?


Mar 11, 2014
I'm looking to buy a headset soon for my xbox one and here are the best options I've found.

XO Seven: http://www.turtlebeach.com/product-detail/xbox-one-headsets/ear-force-xo-seven-pro/607

Astro A40: http://www.astrogaming.com/a40-headset/A40-HEADSET-ASTRO-GEN2-XB1.html

Astros are $200, xo seven is $160. I'm looking for a durable, yet great sounding headset and I need help deciding. I've had 2 of the $25 chat headsets break on me and even one $50 xbox one stereo headset break on me and I think it's time I get a good one. I'm not one to break devices but for some reason these are what I break. So help me make a decision that will change my gaming experience for the next few years. Thanks in advance! :)