Uploaded videos on youtube look bad .

Hayden Ross

Sep 24, 2013
So i recorded just a quick few seconds of farcry 4 at 1080p @ 30fps. I used sony vegas 13 to render it at 1080p @ 30fps as well. However the video i have on my pc looks amazing, but the video i upload looks aboslutely terrible. Is there anything i can do to fix this ? heres the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkEI4Z1wiQM you can even see that 720p doesnt look 720p at all and the same with 1080p. it looks fuzzy and gritty as heck. and i did disable the resample in sony vegas before rendering to get rid of the blur. but like i said the video i have on my pc looks gorgeous but on youtube its trash. i also use Dxtory to record 1080p @ 30fps

Hayden Ross

Sep 24, 2013

when i render it out its in mp4 format already so no need for converting.