Video: Russian Rocket Explodes Over Kazakhstan

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Well you can bet if it was insured then somewhere there is a broker that is still struggling to crawl out from under whatever happened when seeing this video.
Actually, Bush cancelled the manned space program. google it.

"The Shuttle's chief purpose over the next several years will be to help finish assembly of the International Space Station. In 2010, the Space Shuttle — after nearly 30 years of duty — will be retired from service."

— President George W. Bush
January 14, 2004

Actually, Bush cancelled the manned space program. google it.

"The Shuttle's chief purpose over the next several years will be to help finish assembly of the International Space Station. In 2010, the Space Shuttle — after nearly 30 years of duty — will be retired from service."

— President George W. Bush
January 14, 2004

I saw this the other day. The article said the engines shutdown several seconds into the launch sequence. The Russian aeronautical agency is taking a lot of heat, we are taking 10 satellites in seven rocket failures in little more than a year.
And why is the United States out sourcing our space shots? Did we not pioneer space? Should we not like, own space. Our country got it's greatness through industrialization but they are trying to run it like a business. But in business how much business can you give away and stay in business. If your the best well you strive to stay the best. I say Expand NASA at Cape Kennedy and Houston and build more space ports. Reach for the stars...Damnit.
Kinda must put a bit of a dent in the concept of joining the Elite Group of Space Tourists flying Russian...

Not everything is about saving a few $
@tinmann... Technically the Russians Pioneered space. Common dude, everyone knows Yuri Gagarin was the first man in space... Also the Russians have been taking American satellites into orbit for decades. Shit happens.

Honestly looks like an overcorrection. I notice one of the engine seems to shut down but then it attempts to correct itself but does not account for spin, sending it out of control.I feel like the satellites might be recoverable as you can see the last stage separated well before the explosion. It might at least partially be recoverable. Besides, whats with all the hatred towards Russia... Hell we wouldn't have the ISS if it wasn't for the damned Russians.
We had it all but gave it all away but now we are going to take it back...all of it. Every time you look up you're not going to even see clouds, just Stars and Stripes We already own the Moon and Mars next we are going for interplanetary...nay, interstellar dominance.
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