WD Elements HDD wont load on Specific Lenovo PC's


Aug 5, 2016
I recently bought a WD Element 2TB external HDD, I have an HP and Lenovo T450 Laptop. When i connect to the HP(Windows 10) the drive functions without any issues.... However when i connect to the the Lenovo(Windows 7) it just lights up and doesn't blink, checked Disk Management and the drive is not detected. Also have been using the drive on a Dell & HP Desktops that use Windows 7, and other laptops it functions Normally.

any assistance for this please?
Hi there Brian_139,

Sorry you are facing some issues with your WD drive.

Have you tried the other USB ports?

Does the HDD spin up, when attached to the Lenovo laptop? There's a chance that the USB port doesn't provide enough power. You can see if this is the case if you get one of those Y type of USB cables.

I believe it will not hurt to go to your laptop's website and update all the drivers.

Let me know how this goes,
D_Know_WD :)


Hi there Brian_139,

Sorry you are facing some issues with your WD drive.

Have you tried the other USB ports?

Does the HDD spin up, when attached to the Lenovo laptop? There's a chance that the USB port doesn't provide enough power. You can see if this is the case if you get one of those Y type of USB cables.

I believe it will not hurt to go to your laptop's website and update all the drivers.

Let me know how this goes,
D_Know_WD :)