What is the best camera for filming anything?


Jul 16, 2012
I wanna know what camera is used for high quality and film like appearance. I watched some tv shows and some are a bit like amateur while others are movie like the voice UK. What type of camera this people are using?
There is no one camera used to shoot all TV shows. For example "The season finale of the popular TV show House, which will air on May 17th, was filmed entirely with the Canon 5D Mark II." Source: http://petapixel.com/2010/04/09/house-season-finale-filmed-entirely-with-canon-5d-mark-ii/
Here's an example of a movie that was shot using various cameras "Black Swan": http://nofilmschool.com/2010/12/darren-aronofskys-black-swan-shot-16mm/
Movies and TV shows shot with the RED cinema cameras http://www.red.com/shot-on-red/cinema
I'm sure some are shot using the ARRI Alexa or some other ARRI camera: http://www.arri.com/camera
A look at the Panavision site will also give you some of the cameras used to shoot movies and tv shows...
There is no one camera used to shoot all TV shows. For example "The season finale of the popular TV show House, which will air on May 17th, was filmed entirely with the Canon 5D Mark II." Source: http://petapixel.com/2010/04/09/house-season-finale-filmed-entirely-with-canon-5d-mark-ii/
Here's an example of a movie that was shot using various cameras "Black Swan": http://nofilmschool.com/2010/12/darren-aronofskys-black-swan-shot-16mm/
Movies and TV shows shot with the RED cinema cameras http://www.red.com/shot-on-red/cinema
I'm sure some are shot using the ARRI Alexa or some other ARRI camera: http://www.arri.com/camera
A look at the Panavision site will also give you some of the cameras used to shoot movies and tv shows: http://www.panavision.com/home

The amateur appearance has more to do with the person using the camera than the camera itself. Are you looking to buy or just curious as to what is being used?


Jul 16, 2012
I am just curious. It is because some internationally licensed tv shows have different receptions. For example, The Amazing Race series. In the US versions, It has clarity and good colors while on the other versions it is like watching a 240p video on youtube. You can search on youtube for different versions of shows like The voice and the Amazing Race, the quality of each country is really different.
Without knowing the specific countries I can only guess that it has to do with the way the programs are being broadcast. Could be the programs are not broadcast in HD or maybe the signal strength is weak or they just use inferior equipment compared to what is used elsewhere. I just looked at a couple and you can see a noticeable difference between the 240p and 360p. Of course, upload bandwidth may play a part in the lower quality as well since they may only be able to upload videos at 240p or less.