What would a good, cheap laptop be that works well with Sims, roblox, and Minecraft?

Jul 1, 2019
I'm looking for a laptop that works well with sims 4 and roblox, and other general things. My price range is around $150-$350.
For Sims 4 you are just about at the limit of prices, your price is more in the table range and basic word documents and web browsing unless you get a used laptop.

Something like this is OK for low spec games like SIMS https://www.amazon.com/Acer-Graphics-802-11ac-Ethernet-Windows/dp/B07FNYWGH6

For a used model, you may be lucky and find a recent one with a Ryzen 5 CPU in the $300 range also. If not, then a used system with an nVidia MX 130 or an older one with an 940MX or 95 would be in your price range.