Hello, i would really appreciate your suggestions regarding which one of these 3 gaming laptops I should pick, I'm not interested in suggestions of other laptops, all I need is to pick the best possible laptop out of these 3. They all have roughly same specs, so my only concerns are cpu/gpu temperatures, fan noise and build quality.
1. MSI GT 62VR: https/www.notebookcheck.net/MSI-GT62VR-7RE-Dominator-Pro-Notebook-Review.197272.0.html
2. GIGABYTE P57X V6: https/www.notebookcheck.net/Gigabyte-P57X-v6-Notebook-Review.175415.0.html
3. Asus gl502vs: https/www.notebookcheck.net/Asus-ROG-Strix-GL502VS-Notebook-Review.171567.0.html
Thanks a lot
1. MSI GT 62VR: https/www.notebookcheck.net/MSI-GT62VR-7RE-Dominator-Pro-Notebook-Review.197272.0.html
2. GIGABYTE P57X V6: https/www.notebookcheck.net/Gigabyte-P57X-v6-Notebook-Review.175415.0.html
3. Asus gl502vs: https/www.notebookcheck.net/Asus-ROG-Strix-GL502VS-Notebook-Review.171567.0.html
Thanks a lot