Why do I keep waking up at 3am and how can I stop? A doctor of sleep medicine answers


Mar 21, 2022
Using orgasm to get back to sleep and the concept of biphasic sleep should be suggested for dealing with Insomnia. Articles on insomnia and healthy sleep habits abound. I see several a week in my limited newsfeed. But they almost never mention these two helpful, non-addictive, strategies for better sleep.

Biphasic sleep is the idea that it is normal to wake up in the middle of the night, do something for 30 to 90 minutes, and then return to bed for a second sleep.

The old joke that men orgasm and then roll over and fall asleep like a beached whale may be pointing out a feature as well as a bug. If one is having trouble getting to sleep or getting back to sleep after waking, an orgasm can both release sleep inducing hormones and take one’s mind of worries that are keeping sleep at bay.

Masturbation is a far better sleep aid than addictive pills, alcohol, counting sheep, or just about anything else the medical profession is currently suggesting. The reason orgasm is not suggested routinely is likely the intense sex negativity of our culture. It wasn’t that long ago that a US Surgeon General, Joycelyn Elders, was fired for merely suggested that masturbation be considered a normal part of human sexuality.