Why does my new MSI MOTHERBOARD when connected through caddy tray not work?

Dec 18, 2021
I am pulling my hair out!
I had my existing tower PC upgraded with new motherboard, cpu, ram and even a new power supply but kept the existing dvd drives and 3 harddrive.
It works if the hard drive is connected outside caddy tray I.e directly onto the sata cables but if I connect the same hard drive (a ssd type, yes I have tried it with a sata harddrive) into one of 3 internal caddies it only gets to the bios which it shows but will not boot into Windows 10.
In fact the bios does not show the ssd connected, why?
The setup I have:
I5 Intel cpu
16 gb ram
Windows 10
Looking forward to any help,
My internal caddy tray has a SSD inside it running Window 10 .
It can be removed from the tower PC and leaves part of the caddy tray inside which has a sata data and power cable connected always connected.
The two halfs of the caddy tray connect via metal pins which looks like a old 25 pin printer connection inside the tower PC.
I hope this helps.
But if I disconnect the sata cables and take the SSD out of caddy tray then connect them together it all works and runs Windows 10?
Yes maybe, I have just tried the new caddy tray and it works!
So now I have just got to change Al, 3 caddy trays.
Thanks for your help, I think it was the old 25 pin printer connection was either not connecting correctly or too much resistance.
Thanks again,