Why is the computer telling me there are no photos on my camera memory card?

Jul 1, 2018
I took 4 pictures of a painting I had made and tried to upload it like I use to with the memory card into the stationary computer. But this time it said it had no photos. While on the camera there was a lot of photos.
It's a Nikon SLR camera. The memory card is SanDisk 32 GB. And the computer is in Windows 10.

So how do I solve this when it worked fine just some days ago?
Sometimes USB's get confused - I use a tool called - USBDeview - it allows you to "delete" old USB things and get them working again.
Sometimes things work then don't then you need to plug it into a new USB and it works again... USBDeview shows you all the past and present connections, removing them then means windows will reload the specifics for that device.
Jul 1, 2018

I can see everything on the camera. It's just not on the computer any longer for some reason.
The Card-reader is the only way since the USB is broken. And it worked just some days ago. So why not now?

I have a photo program that pops up each time and seems pretty good too. But this program now searches for photos and says it can't find any.
The only difference I made yesterday was to lend the card-reader to another computer for a moment. But the card-reader doesn't seem to be the problem since it reacted immediately as I put in the card.

Maybe it's the USB-portal for the card-reader?
Jul 1, 2018

I can try to install it and see what happens. But why would I need that now this late when it worked just fine some days ago? And has worked fine every single time before in this year?


Jun 21, 2016
One day your car works, the next day it breaks. Things break.
The problem being, you already said you lent it to someone, so maybe they broke it.
You need to insert the card into someone elses computer with a different card reader. This will prove one way or another if its card reader or card
can you take the sd card out from the camera and look for your photos again on the camera without the sd card being inserted, do you see the pictures ? some slr cameras have an internal 2GB space, and that space is only accessible via the usb port of the camera, if this is your case, your camera menu should allow you to "move the pictures" to the sd card.
Jul 1, 2018
Ok. I don't know what solved it but now it suddenly works just fine. I both installed the Nikon app for windows 10 and changed the USB-portal for the card reader at the same time. Forgot to check them separately. So I have no idea which one was the solution to it. But it worked somehow.

Pretty weird. But as long as there's no problem there's nothing more to it.


Jun 21, 2016
Sometimes USB's get confused - I use a tool called - USBDeview - it allows you to "delete" old USB things and get them working again.
Sometimes things work then don't then you need to plug it into a new USB and it works again... USBDeview shows you all the past and present connections, removing them then means windows will reload the specifics for that device.
Jul 1, 2018

Definitely not broken. Because the one I lent it too is good with computers and it was only for a short time. And it somehow works just fine now. But thank you for the help. :)