Solved! wifi capability is off on acer aspire one

There might be a tiny switch on the front or side of the case. If not, look at the Function keys and if one has the wi-fi icon, try that and if that fails, try holding the Function key to the left of the spacebar, and the wifi icon key together.
There might be a tiny switch on the front or side of the case. If not, look at the Function keys and if one has the wi-fi icon, try that and if that fails, try holding the Function key to the left of the spacebar, and the wifi icon key together.
On mine the F3 function key is the one (a little lighthouse with beams going out to the left and right.) Pressing this key activates a Search dialogue screen; doesn't seem to have any relevance to wi-fi.

There is no combination of function keys and other keys that I can find to activate the wireless internet capability I had last week. I think I must assume computer is broken and trash it; I can't be bothered getting ethernet cables and running them around the house for this old machine.
Some laptops have tiny switches on the front or sides of the case and they're easily turned off accidentally because of their size. Others may have a different choice of Function key. Spot the wi-fi logo?

If you're using Windows, the Up arrow to the left of the clock in bottom right hand corner of your screen should show the wi-fi icon. Click on that and see if it shows any reason to be off. There maybe even have a switch.

If nothing works, start a thread of your own. That will bring more users to your problem rather than an old thread like this one.