News Windows Recall: How it works, how to turn it off and why you should

Jun 9, 2024
Except for one small caveat. You can't disable it. Microsoft seems to be accidentally re-enabling Recall during system updates. I'm sure they'll stop doing this until we forget about it.


Except for one small caveat. You can't disable it. Microsoft seems to be accidentally re-enabling Recall during system updates. I'm sure they'll stop doing this until we forget about it.
CoPilot and Recall will be only available on a tiny subset of new devices.
It is not yet a thing with current Win 10/11 devices.

And apparently, MS is making it opt-in, rather than opt-out.

We shall see.
Jun 9, 2024
CoPilot and Recall will be only available on a tiny subset of new devices.
It is not yet a thing with current Win 10/11 devices.

And apparently, MS is making it opt-in, rather than opt-out.

We shall see.
No sorry, don't believe everything you read on the Internet. It absolutely did exist in the bleeding edge branch of Window 11. It was on my VM of Win 11 running on my MacBook. I manually disabled Recall twice, and on the first update it was re-enabled.
Jun 9, 2024
Government, corporate, and institutional customers will insist that their version Win 11 not have any Recall at all. Not just disabled.
Especially, hospitals, billers, and healthcare providers subject to HIPAA privacy laws.
How can you operate with MS' take on pcTattleTale stalker-ware, built into the operating system?
Does no one at MS have the common sense to look at features, *from the customer's perspective* ?

Whoever at MS dreamed up this Recall feature, deserves to be fired.
And the execs who approved it, deserve to be let go as well, for wasting resources on this.
Oct 21, 2024
Maybe I'm a suspicious reader, but the Microsoft announcement ( ) says the snapshots are encrypted and the database is encrypted to. I conclude Microsoft sees the snapshots and database as separate things. Further down they say that the snapshots are never exported off the computer. They don't say that about the database. My suspicious self sees a loophole so that Microsoft can export that data for, I don't know, telemetry reasons...

Please let me know what you think. Am I over-suspicious or is MS setting up a way to get access to everything we do on our computer?