wirelessly connect projector to laptop plug'n'play


Jun 17, 2015
Hello everyone,
At the office we need to connect laptop to projector wirelessly. The hardware we need is something that have hdmi (+ vga ports optional ), is wireless transmitter/reciever and its plug'n'play since we often have guests and customers who wants to show us some presentation or something and its uncomfortable to ask them every time to install some drivers/software in order to show what they want on the projector.
It should be something like this: http://www.iogear.com/product/GUWAVKIT4B/ . But the USB end must be bigger with HDMI (and optional VGA) port/s. Also its very important to be plug'n'play as I mentioned before.
Can you please offer me something suitable for my situation?
Thank you !
That USB connection is for the computer, it does not need any ports on it, but you will need to have drivers installed for it.

This will work over WiFi, but the system will probably need to install an app on the computer https://www.google.com/shopping/product/16523667185392732269?q=wireless+vga+transmitter&biw=1536&bih=815&sqi=2&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.&tch=1&ech=1&psi=u8SCVcjuF8PJsAXB04HwDg.1434633925106.3&prds=paur:ClkAsKraX3Fxno8gV2AYLYyCnPLEZfGjPo0_YgcFHRl24AvIuQ2J5YtQP95O8Zq_Ph-ngojX6YOB3y9d4Uc_cDBBYMRyN8fi44F9ivAGBUQPOlSHzIcQQV6gTRIZAFPVH70MrMPI23gVlUXoLx4qBVISF3i6ZQ&ved=0CBcQpis&ei=28aCVaXCGojutQWQtYDACA

The other wireless products that you can just connect the standard video cable to on both ends don't seem to have one that has both...