Your data could be leaked in five years - here’s why

Jun 30, 2024
This article is just a giant ad for VPNs and an incredibly misinformed and bad take. When Q-day comes, VPN won't protect you from anything. Your data will not magically not leak just because you use a VPN. Databases, ssh keys will not be protected on the provider's infrastructure just because you used a VPN. Your password manager isn't safe because you use a VPN. Don't spread misinformation about "VPN will protect your data" because it doesn't. I can guarantee https will be upgraded to a quantum safe algorithm before Q-day comes, so nobody will notice web browsing changes. The real issue will be upgrading legacy infrastructure and encryption on everything else.
VPNs offer some benefits, but they are not magical solution to privacy and data safety.
I thought tomsguide had some integrity, but it looks like VPN ads are more profitable than decent articles.
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Jun 11, 2021
I second with @Vogete; you can have a million Vpns but if you're not doing your due diligence while browsing sites, and click on sus links, then it won't matter; one of the main reasons if not THE reason data breaches happen so much, is pretty much due to politics, a lack of regulation of said breaches, and little to no accountability from the companies that allow it to happen. Instead of spending a little money to upgrade and improve infrastructure, they'd rather cut corners, allow breaches to happen, then blame it on China, Russia, or whichever boogieman they use instead of owning up to their own greed and negligence; I know Russia and China are culprits at times, but not ALL the time. Many US companies sell our data and little is done by Congress to stop it.

Despite all this doom and gloom of breaches, you can still be safe online; just do your research on websites/services, do a system image backup every 3 months (regular file backup just isn't going to cut it), and remember the old saying " if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is."
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Jun 11, 2021
Repeating about how VPNs are the only thing that will save you from Q-day yeah. :LOL: Joking aside, I never saw any paragraphs repeating though.