Interesting article - but this is not a new concept!
Nikoli Tesla would be saying "I told YOU SO". He actually was the first to conceive and research this technology to transmit energy through the air by wireless transmissions.
Another interesting article is: https
A quote of this article says:
“As soon as completed, it will be possible for a business man in New York to dictate instructions, and have them instantly appear in type at his office in London or elsewhere,” Tesla said at the time. “He will be able to call up, from his desk, and talk to any telephone subscriber on the globe, without any change whatever in the existing equipment. An inexpensive instrument, not bigger than a watch, will enable its bearer to hear anywhere, on sea or land, music or song, the speech of a political leader, the address of an eminent man of science, or the sermon of an eloquent clergyman, delivered in some other place, however distant. In the same manner any picture, character, drawing or print can be transferred from one to another place. Millions of such instruments can be operated from but one plant of this kind.”
If Tesla had not been cheated out of his finances and inventions and went broke and ocd we probably would have had much of our current technology much sooner. Imagine what our technology would look like today if Tesla had been able to finish what he had started. He's been dead around 74 years now but many of his dreams and ideals are now a reality .