Question Amazon eero Wi-Fi Pro 6 router

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Aug 20, 2016
i'm looking at getting frontier fibre internet and it seems this is the router. can anyone tell me if i can add my cameras to this router i have them all on a network box. i see it has 2 ports on the back so maybe i can plug my network into one port and my guess is the other port is for them to plug into the system they mount on the outside of the house? i have comcast now and the router has 4 ports i use one for the network.

also can i get into the router management like you can on cable routers and manage the ports and such? on my cameras i have them set up for off standard ports and port forwarding so i can see then away from home. so i have to be able to get this on one of these fibre routers.


I recently helped a former co-worker set these up in a very large family home. The package they bought was of 3 devices. All are the same and the one attached to the external network acts as the router. The other two devices are distributed (mesh) access points throughout the house. Included management app is very granular and allows for as much customization as nearly anyone would need.

They too have home security cameras and those continued to work well after the change over. They too use Comcast and rid themselves of the ISP provided hardware as part of the process. Performance is much better across the board.


Aug 20, 2016
thanks but i need to know if i plug in the network server that has all of my system on it, if that will still work like it does now? i do not have any wifi devices but for the phones the pcs the cameras are all connected to 5 and 6 port network hubs and the hubs are all connected to the comcast (my) router. some of the cameras are wired directly to the server, that has 40 ports and unmanaged. so i have 1 lan cable going from that server to the router and on out to comcast. i expect i will have to get into the router to manage the setting and change them so my cameras will be able to be seen on my phone when i'm away from home. thanks


Yes, it should. The server and connected devices should not care about what provides the network. My formwe co-worker was able to continue monitoring security cameras remotely with zero issues.

How many physical devices/connections do you have going into your current router?


Aug 20, 2016
now i have 20 cameras on the system. 8 are on 1 dvr/nvr 4 on another dvr because i use half of the 16 camera dvr/nvr for the foscams 1 nvr they are in the utility room plus a nvr by my pc with a monitor so i can view them when i'm at the pc. the nvrs all connect to the server also. then 8 foscams all going to either hubs or directly to the server. i use the tinycam app to view them on my phone either at home or when gone. the cameras all are running different than normal ports so that helps keep them from being seen in the net. so i have to be able to get into the Amazon eero Pro 6 router to change the ports for the security system. thanks

by the way i did a bit of research and toms guide talks about other routers the frontier uses so is it possible that my router may work? a netgear gateway c3700- 100nas unit? if so then i will keep my unit in the system and have nothing to do but plug in frontier to this unit.
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Your setup is fairly complex. I suggest you start a thread on our sibling site where others with extensive networking experience participate regularly.

I was asking about connections to your current router. I assume much of what you described connects to your server and the server then attaches to the router. How many switches/servers/devices are connected "directly" to the router?

I would replace your Netgear, even if it could be made to work, with a single purpose router. Your combo device is a poor performer overall.


Aug 20, 2016
yes the server connects to the router with 1 cable a cat6 cable. i do have 3 other routers not cable units i tried years ago to set them for my cameras running wifi and not one would or could keep a stable feed, the feed jumped back and forth so i switched over to cat5 and got hubs and the server and everything settled down and now i have a stable feed. the only wifi is the phones and a roku box even the tvs are not connected . the other routers are netgear but off the top of my head i do not recall the model, if you want that i can go dig them out and get the models. i think i have 3 plus a smaller cable unit with one lan port. i needed at least 2 ports because my magic jack is connect to the c3700 unit also it did not like the server for some reason. so that also makes me need a router that has more than 2 ports. thanks


Start a thread at TH as suggested earlier.

Sounds like your needs are rather straight forward. You need a new router if changing service.

Your current C3700 is also your cable modem which you won't need with fiber. It is a poor performer anyway.

You could re-engineer all of your internal stuff, but it doesn't seem necessary/priority to do so, unless you just want to simplify the piles of stuff you keep adding to the discussion.


Aug 20, 2016
i have been looking at frontier communications in our area for internet. it seems they use this router and maybe 3 of them connected together . the Amazon eero 6 Wi-Fi router

can anyone tell me is this Amazon eero 6 Wi-Fi router a dsl router or does it actually connect to a terminal station on the home and that terminal station has the fibre in it. i ask because yesterday i called frontier and they told me Muskegon mi had no fibre system in it for frontier. so i'm confused. and the rep claimed that price online was for a dsl setup using that Amazon eero 6 Wi-Fi router.

also can anyone tell me if the Amazon eero 6 Wi-Fi router can be connected to my network with cat5 cable and then let me see my security system on my phone like i can do now? and can you get into the Amazon eero 6 Wi-Fi router to manage your network like you can do with cable type router/modems where you can block, add or change ports and port forward? thanks

i put this in the networking area so disregard this thread then
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Aug 20, 2016
ok just started on in the general area a bit different way maybe it can be moved to the correct spot. i did nto know what are to place it. but i will go to that spot and try again. i will not ust this thread. it seems i may not have fibre so until i find out about this Amazon eero 6 Wi-Fi router i can't go further. thanks


The Eero has two ports. One will connect to what ever device provides your physical internet connection ( cable modem, for example). In your case, the second port could be connected to a small switch to allow multiple LAN connections.

Yes, you'll be able to open ports/configure however you want. But you could do the same with nearly any router. I use a Ubiquti Dream Machine that I am very happy with. Previously used with Comcast and now using with fiber via ATT Uverse.

I saw your thread on TH.


Aug 20, 2016
thanks it sounds like i may not have to use their router? i have the c3700-100nas and i know it is old but if it works i can use that as i have extenders on that and my wifi is good around the home and yard. i also have the linksys ac1900 mv-mimo 1.9 gigabit and a netgear nighthawk ac1900 router also do you think if the c3700 unit will not work if these other 2 may? what is that small switch your talking about? can you link me to them so i can research them?

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Aug 20, 2016
i have those. i have a 24 port switch/server and 5 or 6 of those hubs all around my house. so that tells me i can get on frontier and plug the dsl line into the router and the other port to my network switch and if i need more i can set them around the house and plug them into the hubs i have. thanks now i have to figure out the price and if they jack the price up after year or so. they told me 65$ per month for what they call 1gb speed. and see if i can setup this eero router so i can do port forwarding and such. i have been looking for YT but they are a bit thin. or if by chance my current routers may work? the c3700 or the linksys or the netgear bot ac1900 units


Aug 20, 2016
ok thanks i may try the c3700 first and turn of the cable section if it fails then i will have to do the others and go thru resetting upmay cameras to that new router. frontier just told me i can get the plan without using there router i can use my own and then i will not have the 150$ restock fee if and when i cancel it. so tomorrow i'm going to order ther plan at 500mbps if i can get the one if not i have to go 1gbps i really do not need 500mbps now i have 50 mbps and get along good. if by chance my routers do now work i can get one off ebay in a week. if i have to get another router can you send some suggestions along that i can ebay. i did at one tiem have both of those other routers connected but i could not get them to link to the c3700 and keep the camera on the other routers, the cameras wanted to attach to the c3700 all the time and i turne off the router on that c3700 also. but if i have just the router running and have the c3700 turned off they should stay on the other routers just fine and then have one of those routers plugged into frontiers system. the netgear nighthawk is also a modem but the Linksys ac1900 mv-mimo is just a router. and if that fails to connect i will ebay a frontier router and work around that. thanks


Aug 20, 2016
i bet they will have to either run a new line from the pole that has the high speed internet to my house. they ran the line 2 years ago and then tapped into that nad connected my phone line to that tap but years ago when i had frontier dsl it was sloooow so in order to get high speed internet they had to update there lines. it may be fibre on that new line but that tap may converted it to dsl. anyway i will order it tomorrow and then see how they do the tap and run and the interface on the house. and then i may have to make a run of cat6 cable from the interface into the house and to the router. but they may do all of the at the install. we will see. and then the installer may help set the router up also, when i had dsl years ago they set it up for me. i will have to get an app and he may use his app or mine on my phone to do the final setup. if my routers work then half the setup for me is done. thanks


Aug 20, 2016
it seems here i'm getting more good review that poor ones. but they told me i can cancel anytime. we will see. i'm just getting tired of comcast jacking up the rates and i get poor reception. it is way better over the air on my tv's and only 10 channels, i get 40 channels on the antenna i have on the roof that supplies the rest of the house. thanks


Aug 20, 2016
ok thanks i have not yet got frontier fiber as it has not been run down our road quite yet. i do have 2 other routers a linksys sys 7500 and a netgear c7000 unit maybe when i have fiber available i will see how they work. i hate to have to rent a company modem/router.
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