Is VR Dying?

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Jan 23, 2019
It's a very niche product and still quite expensive. You need a good pc and a headset or maybe an expensive smartphone but that's not the ideal experience yet. It's still in early stages and there's a lot of progress to be made. It can't die if it wasn't even born yet


Jan 24, 2012
Just sold my Samsung odyssey (1st gen). When I got it 6 months ago, I was enthusiastic as its still a rare item in Indonesia. I was very much disappointed since Bethesda want to rake more money by delaying Fallout 76's VR version. In my opinion, greed struck them hard. Fallout 4 VR and Skyrim VR already set solid base, why deliberately pushing standard 76's and forced delay the VR version just so they want to sell the same game twice like they did in 4's and skyrim.

For those who were aiming for wireless, HTC vive pro can become wireless with TPcast. Unfortunately, after experiencing Odyssey's screen door effect (SDE) and eye's deteriorating, I just have to sold them until there are safer VR device. SDE was said have been reduced significantly by samsung odyessy 2, but I will wait until small sweet spot problem were solved (main reason to my eye's deteriorating).

PS: unfortunately, vive pro and most other VR headset have SDE problem. Don't know about Hololens though since its unusable on AAA games and too costly anyway.
Sep 9, 2019
I feel like its not dying but was released to the consumers before it should have been. As other people in this thread have been saying, the idea is definitely there but the technology is still to big and expensive to be able to enjoy it properly. I would say it's not really dying, more like born prematurely. I hope they can one day perfect it as I do love my VR even though its heavy and uncomfortable and would love to see it progress to what everyone imagines when they think of VR
Oct 24, 2019
No, he will not die soon. Moreover, they constantly develop new opportunities, games, applications that maximize you to feel all the advantages of virtual reality. I’m personally a fan of the game and judging by the constant updating of their game, they don’t even think about stopping work in the field of VR.
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Jun 3, 2013
First of all both VR, and AR are still evolving. Anyone of those alone will not take over, or kill the other technology off. That's never going to happen. Especially when they both have their place. VR is designed for full immersive experiences. That is something that AR alone cannot do, like the Hololens 2. Who wants to see the real world if you are flying around in a plane? Think about it, do you want to see parts of your desk, chair, or your office around you when trying to fly a plane. The background sky would be your office environment. It just wouldn't work for something like that. This is where VR comes into play, and is made for experiences like that, and many more. What about being in space? Or being on Mars walking around? What about being inside a CAR driving around, like the game Need for Speed, Call of Duty, Half Life, and many more. That stuff is perfect for VR, and it's why they already have VR versions of most of those games already. There is no AR versions of them. That's because AR is not designed for full immersion.

It is really easy to see why Microsoft doesn't want to create a VR headset for their XBox. Especially when Microsoft has a lot of different partners who have made numerous and different types of MR (mixed reality) headsets, including different resolutions, camera placements. Right now it's up to developers to make apps (programs) to use for either or both technologies.

To say VR is dead, tells me that those individuals don't understand or have never used either VR or AR devices. To me I can see MR as the end goal. When you have the best of both AR and VR, then you can now use both types of applications. So if anyone tells you that VR is dead, clearly doesn't know what they are talking about. VR's future is in eXtended Reality or Mixed Reality, and VR applications will always live on.
Oct 2, 2020
VR is not dying at all, in fact, it is growing, and it is all set to change the world. VR is now starting to transform other sectors such as healthcare, education and retail that are facilitating tasks in the industries, including helping patient’s depression relax, and many more facilities are provided by VR.
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