Find an Installed App Using Spotlight In iOS 11

If you’ve installed several apps in your iOS device and it takes you longer than usual to locate the one you need, Spotlight is your solution.
Spotlight provides an ultimate and quick means of searching stuff both online and within your iOS device. In iOS 11, Spotlight has become even more robust and can be fine-tuned to narrow down or broaden the search criteria as needed.
The best part is, Spotlight can be accessed quite easily.
Here’s how you can use Spotlight to find a third-party or built-in app in your iOS 11 device:
    Get to the Spotlight window
    Slightly swipe down your finger anywhere at the center of the screen. This opens the opens the Spotlight window that contains a search box at the top, and the shortcuts to some frequently used apps.

    Search for an app
    Tap inside the Search box at the top, and type the name of the app you want to search. This performs a dynamic search, i.e. the apps closest to the spellings begin to appear as you type.

    Open the app
    Tap the app’s shortcut from the results. This opens the app in its own interface.

    Getting back

Press the Home button (swipe up the Gesture Bar in iPhone X) or tap Search from the top-left corner of the opened app. While pressing the Home button takes you to the Home screen, tapping Search from the top-left takes you back to the Spotlight search results window.
