Fortnite Battle Royale - Season 5 Week 4 Challenges

The challenges of week 4 are somewhat exciting as there are some different challenges in it. If you want to complete them all on time, follow the instructions below:
Build Structures:
A challenge that is introduced for the first time in the game. But, it is not a challenging one you can do it while you play the game. Don’t stress over it too much, you just need to build 250 structures and that can be easily achieved while you are playing. But, if you especially want to take time and complete this challenge then head to a place that has resources like Wailing Woods and start building there.
Jump through the Flaming Hoops with a Shopping Card or ATK:
You can find all of the flaming hoops in the locations given below in the map. Also, the area Lazy Links is going to be your best bet if you want to find a cart. It is also close to three locations of Flaming Hoops so you can start from there. You can grab a kart from the desert dome as well and it is close to three Flaming Hoop locations as well. There is an ATK spawn at Flush Factory as well. Follow the map below to know all Flaming Hoop locations:

Eliminate Opponents in Dusty Divot:
It was a very popular place in the last season but now it doesn’t get much action. It is an awesome area having some trees and ponds. There are a lot of shield mushrooms there as well. And you may find some people there now as the challenge has started. Go to the outskirts and look for a gun there, once you get it, start killing enemies. You need to kill three enemies.

Deal Damage with Sniper Rifles:
Pretty easy one as the sniper rifle has good damage so it will be over in a few shots. If you find it hard to snipe people, you can always complete it in the duo or squads mode as you can first knock down people with the weapon you usually use and then snipe them. You just need to do 500 damage.

Search For Chests in Flush Factory:
Flush Factory is a pretty weak landing spot but has a fair amount of loot. You just need to find seven chests in Flush Factory. You can go and find the chests on your own or you can use the map below to find them easily and before others.

Search Between the Gas Station, Stunt Mountain and Soccer Pitch:
It can be a pretty tough one as you will have to first go to the area where there is a possibility of the treasure. Then you will need to find it while making sure other players don’t kill you. So what you can do is to go at the middle right side of the C4 in the map because that is the area between Gas Station, Stunt Mountain and Soccer Pitch and look around, you will see the treasure.
Pistol Eliminations:
Although the pistols are pretty weak nowadays but the standard pistol and suppressed pistol are not bad. You can use them to eliminate the opponents by first damaging them through a bigger weapon or killing the downed enemies.

These are all of the challenges of Fortnite Battle Royale’s season 5 week 4. Just follow the instructions to complete them all.