How to Cast your Android Screen to Chromecast

With Google's Chromecast, you can mirror your Android device's screen to your TV wirelessly. To enjoy this feature you’ll need Google Nexus devices, but there are also a few other devices which are compatible with Chromecast screen casting. Here’s how to cast your Android device’s screen with Chromecast.


For Google Play Edition or Nexus Devices:
1. Connect your Chromecast to your desired Android device via Wi-Fi to the same network.
2. Go to ‘Settings’ from the app drawer or home screen on your android device.
3. Tap on ‘Display’

4. Tap on ‘Cast Screen’

1. Go to ‘Quick settings’ from the notification bar
2. Tap on ‘Cast screen’

For other compatible devices:
1. Install the Chromecast app on your device if you haven’t already. It should be of 1.7.4 or higher versions’.
2. Connect your Chromecast to your desired android device via Wi-Fi to the same network.
3. Tap on the icon of Chromecast app to open it on your device.
4. Tap on the menu button to bring out the navigation drawer. There you’ll find some options.

5. Tap on the 'Cast Screen' button.

6. Tap on your Chromecast connection to connect it.

7. You can then close the app.
To stop casting your screen:
From your notification drawer:
1. Access the notification bar by swiping on home screen of your Android device
2. Tap on 'Disconnect' from the notification bar
From your Chromecast app:
1. Again open the Chromecast App on your device
2. Tap on menu button to bring out the navigation drawer on that app.
3. Tap on 'Cast Screen'
4. Tap on the 'Disconnect' button