How to Change the Frequency of Group Emails on LinkedIn

By default your LinkedIn profile is configured to send automatically generated email digests from your groups daily basis. As per the default configuration, if any new discussion is posted in the group, you do not receive an individual email for the discussion.

If you are a member of an important group where each discussion needs your attention, you can turn the corresponding feature on. When you enable this, you receive an email notification for each new discussion that takes place within the group.

You can also configure your LinkedIn profile to send you weekly digest emails for any group instead of notifying you about the digest each day.

These group settings can be enabled or disabled for every group that you belong to, as well as for the ones that you own.

Here’s how you can change the frequency of LinkedIn group emails:

    ■Log on to your computer system.
    ■Open your favorite web browser.
    ■Type the link in the address bar and press Enter to open the website.
    ■On the Sign In window, provide your credentials in the appropriate fields, and click the Sign In button.

    ■On the Home page, hover mouse over the Profile menu from the menu bar.
    ■Click the Edit Profile option from the displayed list.

    ■Once the Profile window opens up, locate the Group section at the bottom.
    ■Click the Edit link (pencil icon) located at the right corner to expand the section.
    ■Once this is done, hover the mouse over the Hidden/Visible link available under the group title at the bottom-left corner of the section.


Note: Once hovered, link text changes to Change.

10. Click the Change link.
11. On the Settings interface, under the Contact Settings section, ensure that the Send me a digest of all activity in this group checkbox is checked.
12. Click the Delivery Frequency drop-down list.
13. From the displayed options, click the appropriate one in order to change the frequency as per your convenience.

14. Finally, click the Save Changes button at the bottom to apply the changes.
