How to Disable Face ID In iPhone X

Face ID provides a secure way to use your iPhone X as it keeps others from intruding into your phone and stealing your personal information from it. That said, it is not recommended to leave your iPhone without securing it either with your Face ID or passcode or both.
Even though Apple strongly recommends to secure your iPhone X with your Face ID, doing so is not at all mandatory.
If you have already set up your Face ID in your phone, here’s how you can disable it:
    Get to the Settings window
    Tap Settings from the Home Screen. This opens the Settings window that allows you to configure all the settings in your iPhone X.


    Get to the Face ID & Passcode window
    Tap Face ID & Passcode, and enter the passcode in the next screen. This opens the Face ID & Passcode window. This window enables you to make changes and customize the Face ID and passcode settings on your iPhone X.

    Disable Face ID

Tap Reset Face ID. This removes your Face ID from your iPhone X, and you must set it up again in order to re-secure your iPhone with Face ID.

Note: Optionally, you can also tap the Turn Passcode Off option to remove disable passcode from your iPhone X. (Not recommended)



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