How to Get the Movie of Your Choice on the Netflix Platform


Netflix is one of the most sought-after platforms by viewers and producers alike. For someone new to binging or one who wants a common platform for movies and shows, Netflix can be an abode. However, searching for the right movie isn’t always very easy on Netflix, given the massive library it holds.
Nevertheless, Netflix demands that its content t be widely acclaimed by critics, while at the same time being reasonably popular amongst viewers. This leaves you even more confused with what you want to view on Netflix.

How to Find Your Choice With Likes?
The more likes you have on a particular genre, the more likely that you will come across similar content of your liking.

1. Open Show/Movie Page
Open the 'Show/Movie' page of the shows that you like watching, or watch frequently. You can do this by simply searching for it in the search bar and selecting it, or accessing it from the recommended category.

2. Hit the Rate Button
Hit the 'Rate' button under the content description tag. Two options, thumbs up and thumbs down, representing like and dislike respectively will appear.

3. Select Like
Hit the 'Like' button. Your chosen content will be liked.
After repeating this process for several of the shows that you like, you will start getting better recommendations.

How to Find Your Choice by Searching and Browsing Categories?
It is often the case the that you know the name of the show you want to see, or at least favour it in terms of its genre. To get the movie of your choice, do the following.

1. Hit the Browse Button
Select the 'Browse' button appearing on the top of your Netflix home page. A drop-down list will appear listing several categories and preferences like that of subtitles and audio. Select the category that you want to focus on from this list.

2. Select 'Sub-category'
Click on the 'Subgenre' option under the filter panel in the chosen genre page whenever available, to get a better refinement of what you want to see. You will see that a drop-down list featuring several sub-categories will appear. Simply click or select it.

3. Click on the Search Bar'
Click on the 'Search bar', and type in the genre, show name, or related info to allow Netflix to search through and display all the relevant content. You can find your show from the displayed list.

You will now be able to watch the show of your choice in Netflix.