How to Solve Black Screen Problem on Netflix

On most occasions, Netflix loads your favorite content effortlessly. However, there are times when you are left frustrated by a black screen in place of your favorite shows.
There can be several reasons for it. Your browser might prevent the loading of specific content, or it might be an issue with your system cache. You can resolve the problem by following these steps.

How to Solve Black Screen Problem by clearing Browser Cache?
1. Open Browser Menu
Click on the ‘Menu’ button in your browser. A drop-down list will appear.

2. Open History
Select the ‘History’ option in the drop-down list. Your browsing history page will appear.
Here you will be able to see the Clear browsing data option at the top of your history log.

3. Click on Clear Browsing Data
Select the ‘Clear browsing data’ tab. A page will appear, listing options to clear various kinds of stored data.

4. Select to remove Cache and Cookies
Check the box against the Cookies and other site and plug-in data option, and the Cached images and files option in the ‘Clear browsing data’ page.

5. Clear data
Click on the ‘Clear browsing data’ option at the end of the page. Your cached data and cookies will be removed.

How to Solve Black Screen Problems by disabling Extensions.
1. Open Settings
Open the ‘Settings’ page of your browser by clicking on the Menu option, and selecting Settings from the drop-down list. The Settings page will appear.

2. Select Extensions
Click on the ‘Extensions’ tab on the Settings page. The list of extensions installed in your browser will appear.

3. Unselect Extension
Disable the extensions by unchecking the check box against the Enabled tag. Do it for all the extensions and reload Netflix. The video should stream properly.

Netflix will now play your content seamlessly.
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