Recent content by 4745454b

  1. 4745454b

    How to hook my tape deck to new AV receiver ?

    This thread is over a year old. And not yours. Open your own thread if you are having issues.
  2. 4745454b

    Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional documents.

    Looking at his other posts, it seems he's lost his Facebook account. As we said in the other threads you hijacked, you need to talk to Facebook. We aren't Facebook, we can't help you. Stop asking about opening your closed accounts here. We simply aren't the people you need to ask. Thank you.
  3. 4745454b

    Solved! How to connect RCA sound bar to insignia tv

    Or you need to change the source, etc.
  4. 4745454b

    Solved! Banned from Avast Forum

    Some forums are like that. I don't know if that's what is going on here. I don't it is because you have that issue as a guest. I would think there is some sort of IP ban in place. Perhaps try it with their VPN on?
  5. 4745454b

    Solved! Office stolen key

    I haven't used office in a very long time so I'm not sure this is 100% accurate. But I would think if you either spun the disk or downloaded and installed the key should work. If it complains about a previous use, is there a way to tell it that you don't use that machine anymore? I hope there...
  6. 4745454b

    Solved! Banned from Avast Forum

    Some forums ban the account if you don't click on the emailed link. You might have been sent an email to click to "turn on" the account. Might be in your spam folder if you never saw it. I do know we can't help you so make sure to follow Colif's advice.
  7. 4745454b

    Best over the ear headphones in $80 budget? Wired/Wireless

    So one country removed from list, how many are left? Is there a reason you don't want us to know? We need to know what stores/options are available to you. Please don't be difficult. We are trying to help you.
  8. 4745454b

    HP spectre x360 screen cracking how common is it?

    MERGED QUESTION Question from fuzzysig : "how to prove that screen can crack due to design flaw or manufacturing defect?"
  9. 4745454b

    Low clock speed processor with SSD or high clock speed processor with HDD?

    There are two differences between those laptops. Other than the SSD vs HDD. The CPU and GPU. There is basically no difference for the CPU. They are both dual core four thread CPUs. They are from the same generation and have...
  10. 4745454b

    Frequently asked but rarely answered,what's the best 550$ laptop?

    This is for gaming I assume? I'm not sure there are any new laptops in the $550 range that would make a good gaming machine. Around a year ago I helped my brother get a gaming laptop and he ended up spending just over $800. Any new laptop that is in the $550 range would be using IGP. I know...
  11. 4745454b

    Solved! How much RAM does an iGPU consume ?

    It's usually adjustable. There should be a setting in the bios to let you adjust how much ram you wanted dedicated to the IGP. Review the bios of each to see what the smallest setting is.
  12. 4745454b

    VPN Express suddenly crashes Tomshardware forums...

    My thoughts on this subject. First, I'm not super familiar with VPNs or anything 100% certain. Second, I highly suggest not using a VPN while surfing Tom's. It's possible for a user to get banned, then if s/he raises enough issues get IP banned. If they were using a VPN service like you...
  13. 4745454b

    Multiple VGA in and one OUT

    That was an example. That is not an official or even unofficial endorsement of that product by myself or Tom's hardware. If you want a remote you should make sure that has one and it really does what you want. I'm still at a loss as to why you'd want to spend that much. But if it makes you...
  14. 4745454b

    Multiple VGA in and one OUT

    ~$180 seems like a lot to spend. And I don't know if that even supports the remote or keyboard short cut. The one we had at work that supported 15 or 20 had buttons on the front. At $180+ I'd find a cheaper way to do whatever he wants. Set them up as headless servers and telenet in for example.